Ogimaakan shkode - Council Fires
A central aspect of the Draft Koognaasewin (Child Wellbeing) Law will be its foundation in Anishinaabe customs, laws and traditions of raising children. Koognaasewin’s recently published Anishinaabe Laws and Customs Research on Child Wellbeing report provides a rich historical overview of Anishinaabe peoples’ approaches to raising healthy, happy children.
Our previous podcast series focused on the roles and responsibilities of the different members of an Anishinaabe community. You listen and learn about the roles and responsibilities of groups such as family and extended family members, grandparents, elders, other community members and children themselves by visiting our Blog Page at: https://www.koognaasewin.com/podcasts
This next series of podcasts focuses on the institutions and organizations in Anishinaabe society that bring community members together to help address child and family issues and to work together to develop caring, supportive and connected-to-community solutions. Our initial discussion focuses on Ogimaakan shkode – Council Fires.